You Win Some, You Lose Some

I got the email yesterday that my work was not selected for the art show I recently submitted to. It's a bummer, true, and yes, I feel some disappointment. But I'm still proud of myself for putting my work out there. For standing up for myself and claiming the title of Artist. For trying.

Because you can't get a YES if you don't brave the NOs.

And you know what? A new friend of mine DID get into the show! So I'm excited to go show her some support and am looking forward to volunteering for the installation and attending the opening night for the show.

So. Onward!

And I DO also have the very exciting opportunity of being an Artist in Residence on Molokai to look forward to and plan for!

I've spent most of my time this past week working on the project for Spin Off magazine, though.

Would you like another peek?

Of course you would!

Here's a look at the second skein of handspun yarn, which is a gradient:

And here's how it looks (in grayscale, of course) side by side with the first skein:

I actually really love how different they look from one another even in black and white! I can't wait to see how the finished design looks when this is all worked up.

Sometimes I don't even really appreciate how things turn out until I've taken pictures of the finished piece and get a look at it as a whole from a distance!

If you're super curious to see what these look like in color, I've been sharing pictures over in the chat feature on Patreon, where you can join me for as little as $2 a month for even more sneak peeks and behind the scenes looks at my life as a creative!

In fact, I'm planning on sharing some thoughts soon about an idea I've had... but I don't quite have all my thoughts together yet! I think it might just be a really lovely way to bring a little extra joy not only into the lives of others, but mine as well. And we all need some of that, right!?

Okay. I better get back to work on the not-quite-as-secret-anymore project. Wish me luck!


P.S. No cool new bird pictures in the past week, but I DID buy a new sketchbook! This is the biggest one I've tried so far and I'm looking forward to exploring some of what I enjoy the most on the painting side of my color and texture fascination. I decided to break it in with a little organic line work and some lovely shades of blue! Living on an island is definitely showing its influence, huh?

CrochEt Cetera by Connie Lee

Seeker of beauty and joy in the cracks of mundanity, inviting you along for adventures through texture and color!

Read more from CrochEt Cetera by Connie Lee

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